Igor Sidorenko

Igor Sid (Igor O. Sidorenko), born in 1963, is a poet, writer, jour­nal­ist and, above all, a gift­ed orga­niz­er of inter­na­tion­al cul­tur­al projects such as the geopo­et­ic Bospho­rus Forum. In 2014, togeth­er with Gen­nady Kazov, he pub­lished an anthol­o­gy of Crimean poems with the sig­nif­i­cant title Naschkrim (Engl. “our Crimea” instead of the politi­cized slo­gan “Krim nasch” / “Crimea belongs to us”) in the Unit­ed States: The anthol­o­gy gath­ers poems about Crimea writ­ten all over the world and not only in Rus­sia. He also pub­lish­es the sci­en­tif­ic results of the Bospho­rus Forum on geopo­et­ic top­ics, includ­ing the Intro­duc­tion to Geopo­et­ics (Vve­de­nie v geopo­et­iku, Moscow 2013).

All recorded interviews with the different cultural stakeholders are available for further research in full-length. They have been held in Russian and can be downloaded after Registration.