Inna and Ian Shapiro

With­out ini­tial­ly know­ing about her aunt and uncle in Crimea, T. took up res­i­dence with the Jew­ish (Hasidic) fam­i­ly of one of the par­tic­i­pants in the Bospho­rus Forum on her first return trip in 2015. Jan Shapiro, in his ear­ly 50s, works as a trans­la­tor from Eng­lish, hav­ing trans­lat­ed Rud­yard Kipling into Russ­ian, among oth­er works. T. meets Ortho­dox Jews there for the first time. Shapiro’s wife works as a psy­cho­an­a­lyst. The youngest 10-year-old daugh­ter has nev­er been to the West and asked many inter­est­ed ques­tions about T.’s son — she found it fas­ci­nat­ing that he speaks Russ­ian with­out ever hav­ing been to Russia.

All recorded interviews with the different cultural stakeholders are available for further research in full-length. They have been held in Russian and can be downloaded after Registration.