Andrej Poljakov

Sim­fer­opol, the region­al cen­ter of the penin­su­la, is home to anoth­er impor­tant poet: Andrej G. Polyakov, born in 1968. He is one of the best-known Russ­ian-lan­guage writ­ers of poet­ry and prose and also, like Azaro­va, a lit­er­ary schol­ar. Since the ear­ly 1990s he has been a mem­ber of the Crimean-Moscow poet­ic group “Polu­ostrov,” to which Igor Sid also belongs. His poems have been trans­lat­ed into Ger­man and Eng­lish, among oth­er lan­guages. Inspired by the poet­ry of Anna Akhma­to­va and Osip Man­del­stamm, Poljakov’s poems focus on a lyri­cal self that expe­ri­ences the post­mod­ern alien­ation from cul­ture. In the mean­time, he has received all of Russia’s impor­tant lit­er­ary prizes, so that the small apart­ment he lives in with his par­ents is over­flow­ing with cer­tifi­cates and prize tro­phies, as well as books. Polyakov has a trav­el pho­bia; he almost nev­er leaves his home­town, despite many invi­ta­tions. For the Bospho­rus Forum, he makes an excep­tion and trav­els all the way to Kerch. In this respect, it is a stroke of luck that he became friends with T. dur­ing their trip to Crimea in 2015. 

Sim­fer­opol, cap­i­tal of Crimea and home to the famous Russ­ian Poet and Philoso­pher Andrej Pol­jakov. (Sim­fer­opol, 2016)

Polyakov, like Azaro­va, stands for intel­lec­tu­al Crimea. Ideas about phi­los­o­phy, cul­tur­al his­to­ry, psy­chol­o­gy and soci­ol­o­gy bub­ble out of him lec­ture-like. He does not like to plan before­hand what he is going to tell, but he likes to talk extem­po­ra­ne­ous­ly about what he has read. It does­n’t mat­ter if it’s already two in the morn­ing, he cares about how impor­tant the Frank­furt School is at “our” uni­ver­si­ties today, whether we read Erich Fromm and what we think of Fritz Perls. In his room, the stacks of books rise from the floor like sta­lag­mites, Woz­nessen­skij on Lot­man, Man­del­stam on Gestalt theory. 

All recorded interviews with the different cultural stakeholders are available for further research. They have been held in Russian and can be downloaded after Registration.